Button Badges are something quite new we’re offering here at NameBadgeSA, you might not have even known it was an option for your business! Button badges are round in shape and can be attached to an employees collar or shirt much like a regular name badge. They’re a cost effective option too, often cheaper than your traditional badge, and can be manufactured very quickly. Find out how much button badges would cost for your business and how quickly we’d have them to you here.
Because they come in a variety of sizes, they’re suitable for a number of different business settings. Here are a few examples of businesses using button badges.
Let’s be real…everyone loves free stuff! If you’ve got a new marketing campaign or are simply trying to get your businesses name out there, handing out button badges as a promotional activity is a great option. You can direct customers to your social profile, website or to a competition through cleverly thought out button badges. Need some ideas? We can help!
Political parties, particularly abroad, love handing out button badges to voters at polling stations and while campaigning. We’re sure you remember the “Im With Her” badges that became commonplace on pro-Democrat voters during the 2016 US Election Campaign. Political parties can grow their movement and create a sense of unity among their supporters with something as small as a button badge.
Hospitals, blood drive centres and other medical institutions can use button badges as a way to not only thank their patients but create awareness as well by getting medical personnel to wear them too. Examples are button badges for blood donors, for people who sign up for organ donation or for kids visiting the doctor or dentist to promote positive associations.
Hotels and resorts can use button badges as an alternative to name badges, including a quirky slogan such as, “I’m Jenny. Here to help!”
Much like the hospitality industry, retail stores can also replace traditional badges with button badges. Many stores now have a brand-relevant slogan included on the badges such as, “Need help? Ask me!” or something along those lines to encourage good customer service.
As mentioned in the first point, button badges can be used by retailers as giveaways to promote new products, competitions or special deals. In fact, button badges can even be attached to products to highlight a sale or new item.
Retailers can also use button badges as a means of linking customers to their social media channels by including their page handles on the design.
Promoting a CSI initiative through button badges is also a great way to build trust with customers as well as a good reputation. These can be handed out at the store doors or at the till point with purchases.
Think button badges are the way to go for your business? Excellent! Get in touch with us for a quote by mailing your requirements to office@namebadgesa.co.za.